TRU - News Bulletin - Archived Notices
Palo Verde - Cement Truck Traffic & Siren Notification
On Monday, Nov. 7, there will be 15 cement trucks traveling to and from Palo Verde between the hours of 2 a.m. - 11 a.m. The route will be I-10 to 339th Ave. to Salome Highway to the Palo Verde Water Reclamation Facility.
On Wednesday, Nov. 16, siren tests will be held. As in the past there will be two soundings. The first close to noon and the second approximately 30 minutes later. Each sounding will last about 3 minutes.
Betty Dayyo
APS Public Relations/Communications
Buckeye Town Council Meeting - November 1st 2005
Buckeye Town Council voted to TABLE Resolution 67-05 pending further investigation of Resolution 37-03 dated June 2003.
Tonopah Speakers (brief synopsis):
Doris Heisler: Reminded Buckeye of her help in getting Buckeye Grant money and requested they be a good neighbor and uphold Resolution 37-03.
Dan Blackson: Read statutes and timeline to Buckeye Council Members and requested that Resolution 67-05 be Tabled.
Mark Luther: Reminded Buckeye Council that not all Tonopah Residents are for the Incorporation of Tonopah and requested the Buckeye Council to rescind Resolution 37-03 stating it does not apply to the new Petition for Incorporation.
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